Letter: There are a few things all Christians should agree on

Mark A. Strand questions Christians' support for Donald Trump.

Letter to the editor FSA

Christians of good will can disagree on a variety of political and economic issues, while still based on the tenets of one’s Christian faith. Some issues where faith might lead to different views include labor laws, approaches to crime, one’s opinion on the separation of church and state, one’s support or opposition of the notion of American exceptionalism, a proper response to climate change, equitable taxation, approaches to caring for the poor, and the most sustainable approach to health care. Christians can disagree on these issues in good conscience.

However, there are some things it seems all Christians would agree are unacceptable, but which characterize the current Republican presidential candidate. Below are some of the most blatant.

  1. Lying and disseminating misinformation, declaring anything contrary to his opinion “fake news.”  (Lev. 19:11-13)
  2. Cruelty and grudges toward anyone with whom he disagrees. (Rom. 12:19)
  3. Disrespect for women and disregard for the sanctity of marriage. (Heb. 13:4)
  4. Xenophobic attitudes toward immigrants, refugees and people of other ethnicities or religions.  (Gen. 1:27, Lev 19:33-34, Mark 12:31, Gal. 3:28)
  5. Rebellion and opposition to authority. (Rom. 13:2, Rom. 12:16, Tit. 1:6, 10) This includes disrespecting legal transfer of power and creating a narrative that the 2020 election was stolen.
  6. Stirring up divisions and intentionally creating chaos. (Matt 5:9, Rom. 12:16, Lk. 6:27)
  7. Using the Bible opportunistically to manipulate evangelical voters. (Ps 15:3)
"If we do not stand up against this crap as the Church, no one else will," an organizer of the event wrote to potential attendees. "We have to be the ones to fight against evil."

I don’t know what evangelical Christians see in this candidate, and I don't understand how sincere Christians can turn a blind eye to his reprehensible behavior and blatant disregard for the essence of Christian faith. Sincere evangelical Christians can disagree on many political and economic issues, but I hope we can agree on the basic character expected of person’s we elect to office, and the impact these decisions have on the public’s view of the sincerity and credibility of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mark A. Strand lives in Fargo.

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